THE Champion
We love our volunteers - thank you so much! You make the season possible.
Volunteering is essential to our team
Every swimmer's family is expected to volunteer at several meets, both home and away. This is a great opportunity to be close and involved with the competition and excitement of the meets. Parents do not need to have experience to volunteer, just a willingness to help out as part of the team. We have many positions to fill and are happy to point you toward the spots that will work best for your family. Please remember that it is policy to volunteer for a specific number of shifts every season to maintain priority registration status for the next season. If you are not able to volunteer, we offer an option to pay a fee that helps cover the cost of hiring a replacement. This option to opt-out and pay the opt-out fee is offered during registration. If you are unable to fill your volunteer position during the season, it is your responsibility to find a replacement. If you feel you cannot meet your volunteer obligation due to extenuating circumstances, please contact the team's volunteer coordinator to discuss possible options.
A timer is responsible for standing at the end of a lane and using a stop watch or timing app to record swimmers' time race. When the swimmer first touches the wall (whether by hand or by head), the timer stops the watch. No prior experience necessary.

Here swimmers are sorted into their races. While it is fast paced, we strive to maintain an encouraging and positive atmosphere. This position puts you in the midst of the excitement as you guide both new and experienced racers. If the bullpen does not run smoothly, the meet does not run smoothly.
This is a judge who watches for proper stroke and turn technique. It does involve disqualifying swimmers when they break regulation, but the only way to improve is to learn the correct technique. This position requires some training, and clinics are offered at the beginning of every swim season.

At home meets, we will need to fit a lot of cars into a small space. Parking attendants help the parents know where to park and ensure the safety of the parking lot. If you have a cool orange vest, bring it!

Two families share putting together a meal for the coaches at the meets. It is very helpful for the coaches to only have to worry about coaching instead of packing a lunchbox.
Want to get some steps in? A runner makes laps around the pool collecting timing cards from the timers and DQ slips from the judges and bring them to our hy-tek team to be digitally recorded.

At home meets, help set up the pool deck for the meet. You should be comfortable lifting heavy stuff like lounge chairs and arriving 30-45 minutes before call time.

The backup timer starts two watches at the start of the race in case of a regular timer malfunction.

Help out at home meets with concessions. Salesmanship and basic arithmetic skills required.

At home meets, help take down the meet equipment and set the pool back up after the meet. You should be comfortable lifting pretty heavy stuff like lounge chairs and staying 30 min after meet ends.
A finish judge determines the order of swimmers' finish in each heat: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. This takes priority over the timers due to human error and can help with close calls.